Standing Teams
Mission Resource Team
This team serves as a resource to the Branches to help them determine how they will participate in missions opportunities and spending. The MRT will meet at least quarterly to discuss:
The various mission resources of the PC(USA) church.
The various mission opportunities within the Presbytery of WNY.
The missions conducted by individual churches within each Branch.
Review and keep updated records on the available funds of each Branch and their disbursement.
The missions conducted by each branch.
Formulate and resource suggestions for missions for the branches.
Facilitate or coordinate a facilitator for mission activities conducted by the Branch.
Discipleship and Nurture Resource Team
Particular responsibilities include:
Offer and/or promote discipleship and training events, either to the whole presbytery, branch gatherings, or particular churches.
Gather and promote information about educational/faith formation class/events, training opportunities, wider church events (i.e. Triennium, Montreat, PBWNY events), plus Christian camping opportunities specifically for children, youth and young adults and disseminate it throughout the Presbytery.
Receive financial assistance applications for activities (see #2) and make decisions regarding distribution of available funding. Annually submit a Scholarship/Grant Funding Report to Presbytery Council.
Anti-Racism Task Group
The AntiRacism Task Group believes it is called by Jesus to recognize, acknowledge and root out racism, be it interpersonal, structural or systemic, in our communities, churches, state and country. We admit our own complicity in racism and commit to this work as an essential expression of our faith. Our focus is to work with the people of the Presbytery to challenge and support each other in this Antiracism work. Our intent is to do this through encouraging education, discussion, partnership and action.