Standing Committees
The Standing Committees create clear support for the operation of the Presbytery. They are:
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
To oversee and care for Inquirers and Candidates for the ministry of Word and Sacrament and to carry out all the constitutional responsibilities set forth in G-2.06. To oversee and care for Commissioned Ruling Elders as set forth in G-2.10. The membership should consist of approximately an equal number of ruling elders and ministers.
Committee on Ministry
To oversee the relationships between ministers and congregations, to help churches seeking pastors, to resolve conflicts, to provide guidance on compensation for clergy and others and to carry out all the constitutional responsibilities set forth in G-3.03. The membership should consist of approximately an equal number of ruling elders and ministers.
Nominating Committee/Committee on Representation
The Nominating Committee works toward equal representation of elders and ministers of the Word and Sacrament on committees, teams, and the Presbytery Council. Efforts should also be made to have representatives from the various geographical areas of the Presbytery. The committee shall also carry out the constitutional responsibilities set forth in G-3.0103, G-3.0111 and F-1.0403.