Council Committees
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee has responsibility for the welfare of the employed staff of the Presbytery. It shall prepare proposed Personnel Policies for action by the Presbytery Council. It shall recommend hiring, termination, pay levels and other personnel actions to the Presbytery Council, either for its action or recommendation to Presbytery. When the Council refers personnel actions to the Presbytery, the Committee shall take the lead in presenting them.
Stewardship & Development Committee
Through education and resources, the Stewardship & Development Committee shall assist every church in the Presbytery to meet their own stewardship needs as well as fulfilling their constitutional responsibility as part of the Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly.
Budget & Finance Committee
The Budget & Finance Committee shall review periodic financial reports and the annual audit conducted by the Presbytery’s accountants. The Committee shall also consider and report upon all proposals and appeals for monies. The Committee shall be responsible for the investment of the Presbytery’s trust funds and capital funds and will approve or disapprove requests for loans or grants from those funds, subject to approval by Council.
Property Committee
Property Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance, supervision and sale, purchase or lease of any real property owned or leased by the Presbytery. The Committee shall review all requests for Presbytery approval of those real estate transactions which are listed in the Book of Order as requiring such approval (G-4.0206). The Committee shall promptly report such requests along with its recommendations to the Council for action.