About Us
Our Mission Statement:
We are Christ’s body, called together for discipleship, hospitality and wholeness.
Our Vision:
Called by God to be a blessing, the Presbytery of Western New York journeys into a hope-filled future as a dynamic and responsive body, living as disciples of Jesus Christ, practicing hospitality in church and world, and growing healthy, connected congregations.
Our Mission Priorities:
Encourage relationships of trust and communication among leaders and congregations.
Engage in church transformation and the development of congregational health.
Enhance collaborative mission among congregations.
Equip youth and adult leaders for ministry.
Ensure excellence in the calling and care of pastors.
Below is our Narrative Budget for 2023.
Computer users can scroll through it here on this page or click the arrow ↗️ in the upper right corner of the document to open the pdf in a separate window.
Mobile users can click the the thumbnail to view/download the pdf